For your information, this build gives up Ultimate of Elestra but choose Ultimate of Saleana. Dragon Nest CN had already patched Dual Ultimate Patch. Therefore , Dragon Nest SEA players should only refer to this guide after the patch. However, you can prepare your skill as following since there are another Skill Reset after 3rd Job Advancement.
This is Snow ( 寒月雪 ) Elestra's Skill Build which mainly oriented on PvE Skills.

Sorceress Skills
Flame Worm: Just level 5 to enable fire skill tree of elemental lord.
Glacial Spike: Just level 5 to enable ice skill tree of elemental lord.
Poison Cloud: insufficient points so only level8....
Shockwave: Level 1 enough to bounce the enemy away when you being attack.
MP Party Buff : No need SP. So , learn it for your own good and your party members too.
Blink : Max~~~! for your safety!!
Counter Spell: Bounce enemy away when you going to stand up when kissing the floor.
Escape, aerial evasion:Max for safety.
Physical Mastery: max for hp
MP Regen: In the coming version, EL must up this skill at least level 1...but i think that still no enough for you because EL's shield going function like paladin's aura, can switch on and off. It consume a lot mp. Advise to wear the MP recover plate, good in pve.
Elemental Lord Skills
Fire Ball : I left this skill for 1 level because it is quite useful in pvp and pve too..beside damage not bad. but as i m undine , so i didnt up much because still need to save points to my ice skill.
Flame Spark : CD short and use it when you blink. it something can delay some enemy motion in pvp. This time i just level 1 enough point=.=!
Inferno: Level 7 to increase the attack range, original range is 5m and it will become 7m.
Firewall :just level 1 to make enemy fly to sky!!!but dont use it on sm and know..they a lot of aerial skills.

(the extra 10 skill point use at here!because the skill tree link no yet update.)Fire Vortex: since we can both 40level ulti, this skill damage not bad and it burning damage after this skill is huge. suitable use in pve to make enemy fly...and make your member screen...erm..blur

Frost Wind: Short CD same as Flame Spark too. but this skill you can either level 1 or higher, since it got the effect of reduce ice resist,so i choose to up it. but although different level,the time of reduce speed is remain same = 4seconds.
Freezing Sword : Level 11 to enable EX skill of undine. This time going to max it...because i wearing Freezing Sword plate, increase 20% damage, and EX, increase 30%...

Freezing Field: This time , i did not up this skill full.although it damage is very high and when higher level..the time of reduce speed can reach until 7 seconds(if i not mistaken.). but this skill's CD is too long compare to ice stab and freezing sword. And it easy to dodge by rivals in pvp. but once they being hit..there are no ways to run from us.

Ice Stab: This skill recommended to max too because it deal great damage when it max level. In addition, it short CD too.
Freezing shield : max it!! since it got a very very LOW chance to FREEZE enemy when you active this skill. And in the coming version, we can switch on this skill anytime if you want,and it will freeze enemy around you. max it and wearing a reduce damage skill plate can make you can reduce 70% of the damage from enemy!but it will consume a lot of mp if you keep on it...(1% mp per 2 seconds...if information not mistaken)
Chilling Mist : MAX!! as it is the symbol skill of undine~! although it CD time was increase in pvp. but this skill is deal crazy damage once the rival in front of you. Besides that, it will slow down the rivals.
Glacial Wave : Can freeze people 100%, if the enemy not under invincible. After T3, it freezing time increase by level. For pvp, it recommended to max or you wear A skill crest so enemy no to fast to break the ice. But i didnt up max because i think level 6, 4seconds in pvp is enough for me. Next version, this will not easy to break by member~weee~
Icy Fraction: Good DPH(damage per hit) skill. it will deal damage to the enemy that under slow state or frozen. You will see the crazy damage when you fight with the mobs that weak to water or party a paladin that got elemental aura. And enemy will be slow down around 4seconds?, after eat this skill. But if enemy jump when u cast this skill, it may missed=.=! i max it because i simply love this skill. Use it mostly for pve, and to pawn head in pvp.

Blizzard : Erm... This skill will most effective when you reduce ice resist of enemy. If not, the damage no much good. But this is good to use when there are a lot mobs.And it got chance to freeze the mobs when they get hit. This skill cannot cancel once you use.
For Undine skill
Ice Barrier: as undine, sure we must try the new skill~! this skill may be useless in pvp(In pvp just absorb 80% you still will receive 20% of the damage)..and all see you holding an "egg shell" all sure run far far it good to use in pve It will protect you and absorb 100% of the damage, until the damage that you receive higher then you matk.
Ice Spear : I heard that this skill damage is very low...lolx...around 2k attack undine use this skill and deal around hundred++ damage per hit on rivals..but it is attack with all directions and high chance to freeze enemy!
Freezing Sword EX : Improve 30% damage of freezing sword~

-------------------------------------------------------------------------Current Equipment : 5 pieces of sea dragon eq and two marian eq

you can choose either 50A marian or bishop set...but compare...bishop more advantages due to its set combo effect(extra hp and final damage).
but exp than marian set also...
For the new player elemental lord,all armors prefix make life because of heal effect, not easy die in dungeon. But headgear is int.(you had no choice since there no got life prefix in headgear.)
For the old folk elemental lord(:P),can make all int prefix to max your attack, except glove and shoes(because of no choice again.). i believe that you know how to dodge the attack from monsters.
Staff make intelligence and orb make magical.
WHY staff make intelligence?
This is because int prefix can reduce element resist of monster, this is good for us because our damage is fire/water element, this can increase our damage. Not only that, this element resist also can benefit to party member too!
WHY magical orb?
I choose orb because orb has the highest magic attack compare to doll and book. We magician special from other job, our main weapon is right hand weapon.(but at blacksmith list there always show staff is main weapon.) it attack highest than staff, so i make orb as magical to maximum my matk.
Potential : Get Fire and Water and INT as possible since elemental lord got both this elements.
Skill Plate :
Ice Shield - reduce damage.(complusory if your ice shield is max lvl)
Freezing Sword - increase damage.(complusory for elestra because you will find out you will use this skill often.)
Chill Mist - increase damage.
Ice Fraction - increase damage.(this can replace by other attack skill plate.)
snow_tsuki which is the owner of this Elestra and Skill Build
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