February is the month of love, so pop by the Cash Shop to see what we have in store for you!
Who Let The Hounds Out?
Erm, we did. Duh.
These 4 loyal canines are looking for some lovin’ this February so if you have space in your heart, why not adopt a faithful pal to join you in your adventures? All pets have the ability to pick up loot for their masters, boost their owner’s stats with their own, and gain EXP for leveling when they enter a raid. Each time your pet levels up, it means better stats for both of you!
And how about indulging your canine companion a little more with adorable pet accessories that will raise its stats along with throwing the cuteness factor off the charts?
So embrace the warmth of a brand new pooch partnership and be a lone ranger no more. These special creatures are saddled with a duration limit, pretty much like many Cash Shop items, but fret not, because you can always purchase a Pet Extension ticket to extend its stay!
Dress To Impress
Looking for love in Lagendia? Then don’t go around looking like something the cat just dragged in. Up your style quotient with these fashionably stylish level 30 costumes and get a second glance from that special someone!
It’s A Hair Affair
Just because the out-of-bed hairdo is sexy doesn’t mean you can get away with ignoring your tresses after every dungeon run. There is a fine line between sexily mussed up and simply messed up after all!

Credits : http://dn.cherrycredits.com/
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