Before going into the details, I will show you the new 2nd advancement skills for Moonlord/Marauder.
- Moon Blade Dance: Junp and deal quick 5 diagonal slashes in the air. Single hit mag dmg 116.4%+202. Cd 19sec at Lv2.
- Moonlight Splinter EX: Enhanced version of moonlight splinter, with additional 30% AOE damage.
- Flash Stance: Drawing the sword quickly to launch long range attack by left-clicking.Single hit mag dmg 56%+602. Right-click to cast a heavy damage final blow and cancel the stance. CD 50sec at Lv1. Duration 7sec.
The player in the video shown here doesn't use the following skill build. Please be cautious
1. Introduction
2. Skill Build2.1 Why I chose these skills
2.1a Alternate Skill Builds
2.2 Skill Build B
2.3 Skill Build C
2.4 Skill Build D
3. Equipment
3.1 Equipment Suggestions
3.2 Accessories Builds
4. Plates
5. References
6. Updates
7. Coming Soon
8. Additional Information
Hello, welcome future moonlords to my revamped guide for T4. My name is Timmy, in this guide I will go in-depth on what my builds are for my PVE moonlord and why I did I take on these skills. I thank you personally for reading my guide, hopeful it'll help you understand moonlords better and their role "DPSers", they have very short cooldown skills and very decent to superb damage. I also truly believe that hybrid moonlords have become extinct due to the little SP we get. *Note: Don't follow my guide blindly*
2. Skill Build

2.1a Alternate Skill Build
Skill Build B:

Skill Build C:

Skill Build D:(Leaning to the magic side)

2.2 Why did I take these skills
*Note Warrior skill don't need to be explain most of it common sense*
Lv 16 Triple Slash: I really adore this skill after t4 it became a very quick dps skill for me and probably many others and it has an excellent knockback rate.
Lv 1 Aerial Combo: A good aerial counter skill if you seem to be surround by mobs since you can jump and left click to active the skill
Lv 1 Dash Slash: A nice rushing skill to break up large groups and then possibly combo it with Dash Combo or Moonlight Spiltter EX. Also a nice starter for pvp combos.
Lv 1 Dash Combo: Extra Slash to mobs doesn't hurt anybody plus you can use this skill when tumble to knockback mobs to quickly escape and attack from afar.
Lv 6 Eclispe: A 360 aoe that hits all the mobs surrounding you. It also decrease their super armor attack rate by 30% and it also Magic move too! Great for places that have a lot of mobs coming at you. (It got a nice boost after T4) Very useful for group pvp and 1 vs 1 pvp
Lv 7 Luring Strike/Heavy Hammer: This move is amazing especially on those hefty bosses that seem to have crapload of defense it Increase the damage of magic and physical moves by 45% at Lv 7!!!! This skill is must for moonlords and its counterpart.
Lv 1 Aerial Exile: This is basically the magic-counter part of Aerial combo but you must be knock up into the air to send an X shape sword wave to the boss/mob/opponent and it also does semi-good damage too
Lv 1 Parry: Your basic warrior blocks but at 3% of time. It is also a random life saver in dangerous situations.
Lv 2 Parry Stance: 100% Parry Rate for 12 seconds... Your basic Life Saver here plus you can spam counter slash and counterwave(CounterWave has 3 sec cooldown) in this stance. This is skill is something that most(maybe all) Moonlords should get... without the parry tree you must relay on dodging skills and moonlords don't have alot of tumbles like acrobats do.
Lv 16 Moonlight Splitter: Max it. Great long range aoe after you gain the EX version.
Lv 1 Cyclone Slash: Only really used for crowd-control no point of getting it to lv 6 anymore when the EX simply increases the size for you.
Lv 11 Crescent Cleave: EPIC AOE AND EPIC DAMAGE. This move is very destructive on big bosses and excellent for other mobs. Reason why it destructive on Big Bosses is that it sends out 5 shark-fin like waves at the boss and it constantly does damage if it hits the boss constantly.
Lv 10 Half Moon Slash: After T4 the cooldown was decrease significantly and now it became a more better DPS move + the damage was increase greatly. I recommend getting this +1 accessory for the next damage jump
Lv 1 Great Wave(Blade Storm): A good ultimate for clearing out large group of mobs to me personally.
Lv 2 Infinity Edge: Amazing 1 vs 1 ultimate, very good for bosses with no movement, it also gains an additional 50% more damage if all hits connect.
Lv 6 Moon Blade Dance: An excellent dps skill but after t4 it lost some of its range.... =/ I have found a video on duowan showing it has lost it's previous range.
Moon Splitter EX: A very much need upgrade that increase the size and damage of each disc(Yes I call them discs cause they look like it) Don't skip this upgrade you will need it for Cyclone Slash EX
Cyclone Slash EX: Oh man this skill pretty much freaking rape in pvp and pve! With this upgrade the size of the tornado/cyclone gets larger(same size has lv 6 cyclone slash) and it also gains a suction ability... YES SUCTION!!!! Also leveling it pass 6 does not increase the size. It is very difficult to escape cyclone slash ex due the suction it produces and also throws you up into the air. Not bad for a 13 second cooldown skill.
Counterwave and Counterslash: I did not get these skills because to me they're more for PVP instead of PVE and a waste of points. Even so they have no cooldown and very abusable in parry stance doesn't make them good. You are best off using those 3 points somewhere else if you are going for a PVE moonlord but if your going for pvp I would advise getting them.
2.2 Why did I take these skills(Skill Build B)
Description: You give up the ability to do duo ultimate and lose one 1 aerial recovery skill to increase your DPS which in the this case Cyclone Slash was increase to lv 6 to increase its damage. Do realize infinity edge is just burst damage while cyclone slash is more on the DPS side. The damage increase from 1-6 is noticable but not alot unlike from lv 6-11 it becomes VERY VERY noticable
2.3 Why did I take these skills(Skill Build C)
Description: You give up the ability to do duo ultimate and lose both aerial recovery skills to increase your DPS even further from skill build B with Cyclone slash being raised to lv 11, also you lose 3 seconds from parry stance. Use this build if your extremely skilled at SM. The damage increase from lv 6- lv 11 Cyclone Slash is very surprising

2.4 Why did I take these skills(Skill Build D)
Description: This is a more stable version of build C but you scarfice 5 points from triple slash to increase your chances of surviving and gaining 1 more aerial recovery skill =). 15 seconds parry stance seems a bit to much but in the end you will be able to survive more in harder nest. Also this is more magic variant side where you give up destructive swing smashing ability for impact wave DPS.
3. Equipment
Welcome to the equipment section here I will suggest what gear you should have every 8-10 levels. Also I'll suggest what Hidden Potentials you should get.
General Info:
Hidden Pots that you should get on Blue(B-Rank) gear(INT and HP or INT AGI and HP)
Hidden Pots that you should get on Orange(A-Rank) gear(AGI, INT, and HP or Something with INT and HP)
Hidden Pots that you should get on Purple(S-Rank) Gear (AGI, INT, and HP or Something with INT and HP) S-Rank can be crafted!
Hidden Pots that you should get on Red(L-Rank) Gear is (INT AGI HP) The chances of getting these stats are beyond high. L-Rank can not be crafted!
3.1 Equipment Suggestions
Gear at Lv 24: B-Rank, A-Rank, or Minotaur Set
Gear at lv 32: B-Rank, A-Rank, or Cerberus Set
Gear at Lv 40: B-Rank, A-rank, Manticore, or Apo
Optional: SeaDragon S or L for Raw Magic damage
Gear at Lv 50: B-Rank, A-Rank, Totem, Immortal, Mixture of totem and Immortal*final damage*, Optional: Greendragon S or L for Raw Magic damage
Gerar at Lv 60: B-Rank, A-Rank, Honorable Tribe, or Great Ancestor
Int Crafted: Suit, Pants, Boots, and/or Weapon
Magic Crafted: Weapon
Agi Crafted: Helmet and/or Boots
Life Crafted: Gloves
Will(Increases Super Armor) Craft(Optional): Gloves
Adorned Crafted: Sub Weapon
3.2 Accessories Builds
General Info:
Necklaces and Earrings:
Hidden Pots that you should get on Necklace and Earring Rare/B-Rank are: INT AGI HP, INT and HP, or INT.
Hidden Pots that you should get on Necklace and Earring Epic/A-Rank are: INT AGI HP, INT and HP, Or something that INT in it.
Hidden Pots that you should get on Necklace and Earring Purple/S-Rank are: INT AGI HP, INT and HP, Or something that INT in it.
Hidden Pots that you should get on Red(L-Rank) Gear is (INT AGI HP) The chances of getting thoses stats are beyond high. These cannot be crafted
Hidden Pots that you should get on Rings Rare/B-Rank are: Magic Damage, AGI, and INT or atleast something with magic damage.
Hidden Pots that you should get on Rings Epic/A-Rank are:
-Magic damage, AGI, and INT
-Magic damage, AGI, INT, CRIT%
-Magic damage, Physical damage, AGI, INT, CRIT% <- (You really want this pot)
Hidden Pots that you should get on Rings Unique/S-Rank:
-Magic damage, AGI, and INT
-Magic damage, AGI, INT, CRIT%
-Magic damage, Physical damage, AGI, INT, CRIT% <- (You really want this pot)
Hidden Pots that you should get on Rings Legendary/L-Rank are:
-Magic damage, Physical damage, AGI, INT, CRIT% <- (You really want this pot)
Kryonos' Recommend Accessory Build:
Necklace and Earrings: Windswept(I recommend this), Wise(If you're rich enough to afford 3rd opt crit plates), or Honorable Tribe Necklace
Rings: Honorable Tribe Rings(Must have Magic damage 457-457 and crit bonus on it), Magic rings, or Critical Rings
Raw Magic Damage Build:
SDN accessory set
GDN accessory Set
Final Damage Build:
50 or 60 A Ladder Weapons! (GreatSword and Gaunlet)
3 parts of Immortal set! (I suggest helmet, gloves, and boots)
2 parts of 50S Brave or GDN, 2 Parts of 40L or 50L, or 2 Parts of Totem set.(For HP)
Apo Accessories Revy and Justice (244 fd in total) or the new lv 60A FD accesories
FD Cash Shop set (100 Final Damage) Applies to CDN only
FD Cash Shop Accessory Set(40 FD) Applies to CDN only
Final Damage Plate LV 50 (170 FD) or LV 60 (256FD)
FD Title (30 FD) or (7% FD Title)
P.S.: For the very rich people, full great ancestor set
-Please comment and leave other Final Damage items that I have possibly left out-
4. Plates
Ah plates the most important thing that we need. Here I will explain what plates you should wear :). You can only wear 8 enhancement plates and 4 skill plates.. later on there will be an item that will allow you to wear more.
Basic Standard Plate Build:
*Wear either Quailty or Superb (Premium in cDN) Plates*
Magic Damage, Life, Healthy, Windswept, Wise, and Fatal. The last two plates are up to you can choose Ultimate(More final damage),Sturdy(More Defence), Vigor(MP Recovery rate), or Magic Defense(More Magic Defence)
Basic Crit Standard Plate Build:
*Wear either Quailty or Superb(Premium in cDN) Plates*
*3rd Options being Crit except for Fatal which can be Magic or Final damage*
Magic Damage, Life, Healthy, Windswept, Wise, and Fatal. The last two plates are up to you can choose Ultimate(More final damage),Sturdy(More Defence), Vigor(MP Recovery rate), or Magic Defense(More Magic Defence)
Basic Magic Standard Plate Build:
*Wear either Quailty or Superb(Premium in cDN) Plates*
*3rd Options being Magic except for Magic which can be Crit or Final damage*
Magic Damage, Life, Healthy, Windswept, Wise, and Fatal. The last two plates are up to you can choose Ultimate(More final damage),Sturdy(More Defence), Vigor(MP Recovery rate), or Magic Defense(More Magic Defence)
Basic Final Damage Standard Plate Build:
*Wear either Quailty or Superb(Premium in cDN) Plates*
*3rd Options being Final damage except for Ultimate which can be Magic or Crit*
Magic Damage, Life, Healthy, Windswept, Wise, and Fatal. The last two plates are up to you can choose Ultimate(More final damage),Sturdy(More Defence), Vigor(MP Recovery rate), or Magic Defense(More Magic Defence)
Skill Plates:
My Plate Build: Crescent Cleave(Damage), Half Moon Slash(50% action speed(PVP and PVE) or 20% Damage Increase(For PVE)), Moonlight Splitter(Damage), and Moon Blade Dance(Damage) or Blade Storm/Infinity Edge
NA/SEA Plate Build:Crescent Cleave(Damage), Half Moon Slash(50% action speed(PVP and PVE) or 20% Damage Increase(For PVE)), Moonlight Splitter(Damage), Moon Blade Dance(Damage), Blade Storm(Damage), or Infinity Edge(Damage)
5. References
Moonlord with almost the same build has me soloing bishop nest(Practice Mode) in 4:37
Moonlord fighting with the Farming Elephant in Typhoon Nest
Damage Comparsion between Lv1 Cyclone Slash EX, lv 6 Cyclone Slash EX and lv 11 Cyclone Slash EX
6. Updates
10/7/2012- Added some new builds, corrected some mistakes from yesterday, and added new descriptions from skills.
10/8/2012- Added why I didn't get counterslash and counterwave.
7. Coming Soon
-PVP Build-Skill Accessory Build
-Clean up on some grammar mistakes and such
8. Additional Information
Thank you for reading my guide. If you have any tips, suggestions, or criticism please post it I will glady accept them. If you want to contact me please pm me on the forums or post here if you need help. Again don't follow this guide if you're looking for a burst damage class, I would go Gladiator or some other class like Shooting Star xD(Damn Lolis).
That’s all for now. Feel free to comment.
Credits to chaose5 and Kryonos from MMOsite forum.
It's interesting that you referenced another guide within your own guide. I wouldn't recommend this build to anyone simply because some parts were poorly explained and vague.
ReplyDeleteSorry , sir. This actually ain't my own guide. I simply just share it to those who needs it. I granted all credits to chaose5 as he/she is the one who wrote the guide. Thanks.