2. Skill Build
2.1 Why I chose these skills
2.2 Tips and Tricks with skills
2.3 Love Virus!~
3. Equipment
3.1 Equipment Suggestions
3.2 Accessories Builds
4. Plates 5. References
6. Updates
7. Coming Soon8. Additional Information9. Screenshots and Videoes
Hello, welcome future Physicians to my guide. My name is Timmy while my Ingame name is Derpies on KR. In this guide I will go indept on what my build is for my PVE Support and DPS Physician and why I chose these skills. I thank you personally for reading my guide, hopeful it'll help you understand more about Phyisican.This guide is also following the same format has my Moonlord build *Note: Don't follow my guide blindly*
2. Skill Builds
T4 Build

T4 Build LV 50

PVP Build

2.1 Why I chose these skills
*Note Academic skill don't need to be explain most of it common sense*
Fire and Ice tree:
Lv 1 Lava Fist: This will be a skill you will spam the most. It helps gather phantoms quickly!
Lv 1 Ice Fist: Another skill that you will be spamming to do dps and gaining phantoms. During [Evasion] process, it can be casted by pressing [Normal attack]. If [Normal attack] is press again, it will trigger [Lava Punch].
Lv 11 Fire Wall: One of your many dps skills. You can hit up to 3-5 times if the boss is huge. Try Luring small bosses to a corner so that fire wall can summon like 3-5 of them on it. I left it at lv 11 for the massive damage boost.
Lv 1 Ice Grenade:A Large Aoe. Quick CD. Reduces movement speed and attack speed of mobs. Also reduces ice resistances of the mob
Lv 11 Ice Palm: This skill got a massive DPS boost I'd advise you personally to level this skill asap.
Lv 6 Lava Explosion:A Very very Large aoe + Very Quick (Not that laggy anymore). Useful for clearing huge mob groups. I only left it at 6 for the damage boost + I'm not stacking massive fire % only some but if you feel you're more comfortable with this skill max it to 10 and get skill accessory for it and also lower posion charging to lv 6 if you're deciding to max lava explosion.
Lv 1 Eureka: Best Passive ever. I got it cause Increase own Int according to the number of phantoms. Each phantom increases 1% int; reduce 1.5% dmg received and 1.5% mag dmg received.
Lv 1 Alchemy Phantom Strengthen - Dark and Healing Element & Fire/Ice Element: Skill needed for your lv 40 ultimate. It increase the amount of phantoms you get from using the dark tree skills. The other passive to increase the phantoms you get from ice and fire element skills.
Slime tree:
Lv 1 Slime: I left it at lv 1 since only leveling it will just increase the impact damage.
Lv 0 Slime Healing: Useless never ever get it.
Dark tree:
Lv 9 Injector : Max it, you will love this skill. Many people underestimates it's abillity on healing others but actually this skill performs very well in raids especially under the influence of Time Accel. One of my korean friends tolld me he has healed at least 40k+ hp with this skill alone!~
Lv 10 Posion Charging : This skill has lost it luster but it's still a very good dps skill especially when there a bunch of mobs around, splash damage occurs!~
Lv 5 Cocktail: The best buff you have and that is for everyone. At lv 5 it increases your stats by 21%, +21% healing rate, 14% decrease cooldown rate. FYI:Buff effect doesn't stack.
Lv 6 Mixed Infections: Big Aoe and large damage. Only left it at lv 6 for massive damage increase
Lv 6 Disease: I left it at lv 6 for new EX coming(Also for the damage increase) . I highly recommend a duration plate for this skill now.
Lv 2 Poison Break: This basically your denotation for alchemist. Does huge ass damage when stack with phantoms! But the aoe is medium range. So time this skill right
Lv 1 Poison Pool: NENEENENENENENENENENEEN. It isn't really that good anymore but if you feel that duo ultimate isn't for you don't get Icicle Explosion, just max posion pool and some other skills of your choice
3rd job tree
Lv 4 Love Virus: Make the monster go gaga over you. They'll hurt their own kind too! This skill is freakin deadly in PVP. There was this guy who got my friend with this skill.. He typhoon wheel his whole team xD.
Lv 2 Heal Shower: A very amazing healing skill. At 10 phantom bubbles it can cure 10 debuffs and heal at least x2 of your magic damage. I will advise you to get a skill necklace for this so when you use the skill you will over x3 of your magic damage.
Injector EX:This passive upgrade allows you to heal your other party members now!
Green= Healing
Purple= Poison
Light blue= Ice
Reddish Orange= Fire
Greyish= Passive
2.2 Tips and tricks with Skills(Not Working anymore)
Elemental Bug:
This bug allows you change the element of the slime to fire, ice, dark, and light. To preform this bug you must active summon slime and then instantly cast one of these skills. Injector for light slime, Posion Bottle or Posion break for dark slime, Lava Eruption, Flame fist, or Fire Pillar for fire slime, and then Ice Massing or Ice fist for Ice Slime.
2.3 Love Virus
This a very unique skill with hidden attributes o_o
It very short cooldown skill with dire effects
It like Alchemist own form of 100% attack reduction Devastating Howl that last for 10 seconds(6 Seconds in pvp).
It works on
* cerberus sub bosses
* manticore sub bosses
* apo sub bosses
* bishop sub bosses
* Still need to test in typhoon nest + Pro K Nest
3. Equipment
Welcome to the equipment section here I will suggest what gear you should have every 8-10 levels. Also I'll suggest what Hidden Potentials you should get.
General Info:
Hidden Pots that you should get on Blue(B-Rank) gear(INT and HP or INT AGI and HP)
Hidden Pots that you should get on Orange(A-Rank) gear(AGI, INT, and HP or Something with INT and HP)
Hidden Pots that you should get on Purple(S-Rank) Gear (AGI, INT, and HP or Something with INT and HP) These can be crafted
Hidden Pots that you should get on Red(L-Rank) Gear is (INT AGI HP) The chances of getting thoses stats are beyond high. These cannot be crafted
3.1 Equipment Suggestions
Gear at Lv 24: B-Rank, A-Rank, or Minotaur Set
Crafts you should get at Lv 24: Full Intellect crafts except for gloves since it can't get intellect get Sturdy craft for it.
Gear at lv 32: B-Rank, A-Rank, or Cerberus Set
Gear at Lv 40: B-Rank, A-rank, Manticore, or Apo.Optional: SeaDragon S or L for Raw Magic damage(Great armor for Healers)
Gear at Lv 50: B-Rank, A-Rank, Totem, Immortal, Mixture of totem and Immortal*final damage*, Optional: Greendragon S or L for Raw Magic damage(Great armor for Healers)
Gerar at Lv 60: B-Rank, A-Rank, Honorable Tribe, or Great Ancestor
Int Crafted: Suit, Pants, Boots, and Weapon
Agi Crafted: Helmet
Life Crafted: Gloves
Adorned Crafted: Sub Weapon
Support Gear:
-Recommend for 40-50 and also really costly-
If you want to boost your healings and such, you may use these gears to your advantage.
L-Rank Seadragon gear: Try getting 5 or all the part, you must get the weapon and the sub weapon. Try +13 the weapon and the sub weapon, and try to get Elemental Pot+ magic damage pots on them(This is used to increase injector damage) while the armors try to get +10 or +12.
L-Rank Greendragon gear: Try getting 5 or all the part, you must get the weapon and the sub weapon. Try +13 the weapon and the sub weapon, and try to get Elemental Pot + magic damage pots on them(This is used to increase injector damage) while the armors try to get +10 or +12.
Final Damage Build
50 or 60 A Ladder Weapons! (Gloves and Bubble Gun)
3 parts of Immortal set! (I suggest helmet, gloves, and boots)
2 parts of 50S Brave or GDN, 2 Parts of 40L or 50L, or 2 Parts of Totem set.(For HP)
Apo Accessories Revy and Justice (244 fd in total) or the new lv 60A FD accesories
FD Cash Shop set (100 Final Damage) Applies to CDN only
FD Cash Shop Accessory Set(40 FD) Applies to CDN only
Final Damage Plate LV 50 (170 FD) or LV 60 (256FD)
FD Title (30 FD) or (7% FD Title)
P.S.: For the very rich people, full great ancestor set
-Please comment and leave other Final Damage items that I have possibly left out-
3.2 Accessories Builds
General Info:
Necklaces and Earrings:
Hidden Pots that you should get on Necklace and Earring Rare/B-Rank are: INT AGI HP, INT and HP, or INT.
Hidden Pots that you should get on Necklace and Earring Epic/A-Rank are: INT AGI HP, INT and HP, Or something that INT in it.
Hidden Pots that you should get on Necklace and Earring Purple/S-Rank are: INT AGI HP, INT and HP, Or something that INT in it.
Hidden Pots that you should get on Red(L-Rank) Gear is (INT AGI HP) The chances of getting thoses stats are beyond high. These cannot be crafted
Hidden Pots that you should get on Rings Rare/B-Rank are: Magic Damage, AGI, and INT or atleast something with magic damage.
Hidden Pots that you should get on Rings Epic/A-Rank are: Magic damage, AGI, and INT or Dark %, AGI, and INT. Try to get dark % if you're going for the DPS path while magic damage for hybrid healer/dps
Hidden Pots that you should get on Rings Unique/S-Rank: Magic damage agi and int with dark and fire %
Hidden Pots that you should get on Rings Legendary/L-Rank are: Magic damage + Elemental pot.
Kryonos' Recommend Accessory Build:
Necklace and Earrings: Windswept(I recommend this) or Wise(If you're rich enough to afford 3rd opt crit plates)
Rings: Critical Elemental Skill rings(I can't find the lv 60 version.. but you should really aim for those kind of skill rings) or Magic Damage Rings
Raw Magic Damage Build:
SDN accessory set
GDN accessory Set
Final Damage Build:
Soon to come
Ah plates the most important thing that we need. Here I will explain what plates you should wear :). You can only wear 8 enhancement plates and 4 skill plates.. later on there will items that will allow you to wear more.
Basic Standard Plate Build:
*Wear either Quailty or Superb(Premium in cDN) Plates*
Magic Damage, Life, Healthy, Windswept, Wise, and Fatal. The last two plates are up to you can choose Ultimate(More final damage),Sturdy(More Defence), Vigor(MP Recovery rate), or Magic Defense(More Magic Defence)
Basic Crit Standard Plate Build:
*Wear either Quailty or Superb(Premium in cDN) Plates*
*3rd Options being Crit except for Fatal which can be Magic or Final damage*
Magic Damage, Life, Healthy, Windswept, Wise, and Fatal. The last two plates are up to you can choose Ultimate(More final damage),Sturdy(More Defence), Vigor(MP Recovery rate), or Magic Defense(More Magic Defence)
Basic Magic Standard Plate Build:
*Wear either Quailty or Superb(Premium in cDN) Plates*
*3rd Options being Magic except for Magic which can be Crit or Final damage*
Magic Damage, Life, Healthy, Windswept, Wise, and Fatal. The last two plates are up to you can choose Ultimate(More final damage),Sturdy(More Defence), Vigor(MP Recovery rate), or Magic Defense(More Magic Defence)
Basic Final Damage Standard Plate Build:
*Wear either Quailty or Superb(Premium in cDN) Plates*
*3rd Options being Final damage except for Ultimate which can be Magic or Crit*
Magic Damage, Life, Healthy, Windswept, Wise, and Fatal. The last two plates are up to you can choose Ultimate(More final damage),Sturdy(More Defence), Vigor(MP Recovery rate), or Magic Defense(More Magic Defence)
Skill Plates:
My Plate Build:
Injector(Decreased cooldown)
Disease(Duration UP)
Poison charger(Damage increase %)
Heal shower(Decreased cooldown) or Icicle explosion(Damage increase %)
5. References
Final Damage guide Where I learn about final damage
Alchemist Skills Where chaos explains each skill.
Adept Skill Sim Adept Skill Simulator
Physician Skill Sim Physician Skill Simulator
Yak's Adept Build Excellent Adept Guide.
6. Updates
Fix a bunch of sections cause I forgot that S-Rank is now like the new A-Rank but with more stats on the weapon. Also Add Support Gear build to Maximize the healing done by Alchemist
Tips and Tricks with skills
Love Virus Description!~, and final damage build was added today, a new DPS build too.
Guide Revamp for t4, new EX skill, new gear, and such. Also slowly adding lv 50 build
PVP Build Added.. Slowly adding "Why did I choose these skills"
7. Coming Soon
Screenshots and Videoes
8. Additional Information
Thank you for reading my guide. If you have any tips, suggestions, or criticism please post it I will glady accept them. If you want to contact me please pm me on the forums or post here if you need help.
Credits to chaose5 from forum.mmosite.com.
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