With the Saint Haven update in Dragon Nest SEA, some new titles have also been unlocked. They give pretty good stats but requires collecting several titles, such as Leadership of Society (that I’ve just acquired <3) which requires titles from completing several Master and Abyss Dungeon runs with 4 people in party.
Here is how you can get them.
Quick Note
To find your Collection Titles (this is my way of referring to them), open your Character window, click on Title to open the Titles window, then click on the Collection Book tab.

To find out how exactly you can go about getting titles, open your Achievement window and browse through the tabs and individual groups. There are some hidden missions/titles (such as Cloth Tracker) that you cannot find under your Achievement until you have already gotten the title.
There are known continuity issues regarding the names in Dragon Nest SEA but I will try to rename according to the names of the Dungeons
Now, on to the Collection Titles.
Urban Hipster, under page 1 ‘Rookie Titles’
Description: You will get this title easily as long as you are a beginner. Though easy, it would be of great help for newbies.
I’m not the type of person you think I am!
Attk Power +18 ~ +18
Magic Attk +18 ~ +18
Max HP +250
Max MP +150
This title was available before Saint Haven patch, and it requires the titles from completing missions of the dungeons with entrances located in the Shadow Forest and Wind Forest maps.
Apprentice – Complete all the Shadow Forest Trail (Outskirts) achievements.
Performer – Complete all the Ancient Temple Ruins achievements.
Thorough – Complete all the Catacombs achievements.
Controlling – Hidden Mission. You have to die in Catacombs dungeon, possibly by the hands of the Minotaur boss.
Quick – Complete all the Shadow Forest Core achievements.
Lightning Swallower – Complete all the Ancient Temple Excavation Site achievements.
Cloth Tracker – Hidden Mission. You have to acquire an item ‘Ragged Loincloth’, dropped by any goblin in a dungeon (getting it via trade wouldn’t quite work, I tried). This also unlocks your friendship with the Heraldry Scholar Bailey in Calderock Village.
Almost Won the Lotto, under page 2 ‘What’s a Common Title?’
Description: Have you tried out the Gestures? Have you tried strengthening items? Title is something that can be obtained easily!
Attk Power +25 ~ +25
Magic Attk +25 ~ +25
Max HP +500
Max MP +300
This is definitely a title available before Saint Haven, I’ve seen it around. Saying that this title is easily obtained gives me mixed feelings though, because of one of the titles it requires. However, it is a good title, and if you have the means, you can get it at a low level.
Lucky – Successfully enhance a Lv. 7 item.
Nerves of steel – Successfully enhance a Lv. 9 item.
Minus’s hand – According to the Achievement in-game, it’s ‘Fail to disassemble an item’. However, I got it from failing item enhancement repeatedly.
Scrooge – Acquire 1000 gold. (THIS, this is the difficult one if you’re not a hardcore trader or player. Can be made easier by passing gold around among friends though.)
Edgy – Fill all equipment and weapon slots with items over Lv. 7
Chit-Chatter, under page 3 ‘Quest Title that every one obtains’
Description: Try different types of missions gradually, you might discover stronger titles during this process……
Attk Power +25 ~ +25
Magic Attk +25 ~ +25
Max HP +500
Max MP +300
This is a new title from Saint Haven patch. It has the exact same stats as ‘Almost Won the Lotto’ but can only be gotten after you go to Saint Haven, because minimum level requirement of the quests that give these titles.
Immortal Lv. 1 – Get this from the Lv. 8 quest given by Blacksmith in Mana Ridge/Prairie Town.
Immortal Lv. 2 – After getting Immortal Lv. 1, get this from the Lv. 11 quest given by Blacksmith Corin in Calderock Village.
Brawler Lv. 1 – Get this from the Lv. 17 quest given by Master Warrior Chandler in Calderock Village.
Fiend Lv. 1 – Get this from the Lv. 21 quest given by Master Sorceress Tiana in Calderock Village.
Immortal Lv. 3 – After getting Immortal Lv. 2, get this from the Lv. 29 quest given by Blacksmith Berlin in Saint Haven.
Man who saved Calderock – Complete the main story quest chain in Calderock Village, up until before you can take the Airship to Saint Haven.
Argenta’s Slave – Complete the quest ‘Argenta’s Slave’ in order to get this title, but it’s not as simple as it sounds because it’s the last quest of a long chain of solo quest where you try to meet Argenta’s demands and it often leads you to run into the highly annoying Adventurer David.
Leadership of Society, under page 4 ‘Party of four title bible’
Description: As long as 4 heroes move together, any title is a piece of cake, go and get a 4-person party title!
Title? It’s simply the society’s way of trying to cater to people.
STR +20
AGI +20
INT +18
VIT +15
Attk Power +30 ~ +30
Magic Attk +30 ~ +30
This is a new title from Saint Haven patch, with very good stats. The main condition for getting this title is to conquer dungeons in a party of four, mostly in Abyss mode.
Abyss Dungeon achievements (refer to the picture, where the red box is) must be unlocked in order to obtain some of the titles, and I have listed them with the [Abyss] prefix.

*NOTE* You will have to complete the quest chain of ‘Secrets of Abyss’, also known as ‘Into the Abyss’ given by Heraldry Scholar Bailey in Calderock Village to unlock achievements for some Abyss Dungeons such as Raiders’ Ambush Point.
At Lv. 23, complete the ‘Horror of the Abyss I’ quest to unlock achievements for more Abyss Dungeons, then continue onto the 2nd part of the quest to unlock the rest.
To make it simple, if you check your Achievements > Dungeons, and the specific Abyss Dungeons don’t show up on the left side, find Bailey and see what Abyss quests you have not accepted/completed.
Harpy Hunter – [Abyss] Sigh Canyon – Clear with none of the four dying.
Gargoyle Master – [Abyss] Forest Sanctuary – Clear with none of the four dying.
Minotaur Threats – [Abyss] Sleeper’s Temple – Clear with none of the four dying.
Cowbell Carrier – [Abyss] Catacombs Hall – Clear the dungeon with four people. (I’m not sure if dying will affect getting this title. We got it without dying.)
Ogre Hunter – [Abyss] Road of No Return – Clear the dungeon with four people. (Same as above)
Reaper – [Abyss] Death Basin – Clear the dungeon with four people. (Same as above)
Manticore Slaughterer – [Abyss] Prayers’ Resting Place – Clear the dungeon with four people. (Same as above)
Nobility – Road of No Return (lv 20~22) – Clear Master with none of the four dying.
Speed Terminator, under page 5 ‘Speed play technique’
Description: Speed is the necessary condition for one to be a real master, search for the shiny fast play title now.
STR +20
AGI +20
INT +18
VIT +15
Attk Power +30 ~ +30
Magic Attk +30 ~ +30
This is a new title from Saint Haven patch, with exact same stats as ‘Leadership of Society’. The main requirement for getting this title is to clear the dungeons as fast as you can. However, unlike Leadership of Society, you have to complete some Saint Haven dungeons.
Abyss Dungeon achievements must be unlocked in order to obtain some of the titles, and I have listed them with the [Abyss] prefix.
*NOTE* Scroll UP and refer to the blue chunk of text above for more info on Abyss Dungeons.
Sprint Instinct - [Abyss] Raiders’ Ambush Point – Clear the dungeon within 20 min. (you have to complete the ‘Secrets of Abyss’ / ‘Into the Abyss’ quest given by Heraldry Scholar Bailey and unlock the Abyss Dungeon achievements before attempting this)
Endless – [Abyss] Church Ruins – Clear the dungeon within 20 min.
Berserker – [Abyss] Sanctuary Core – Clear the dungeon within 20 min. (you have to complete the ‘Horror of the Abyss I’ quest given by Heraldry Scholar Bailey and unlock the Abyss Dungeon achievements before attempting this)
Ambush Detector – Raiders’ Ambush Point (lv 14~16) – Clear the dungeon on Master difficulty within 15 min.
Lightning Fast – Death Basin (lv 20~22) – Clear the dungeon on Master difficulty within 20 min.
Magical – Dark Mine (lv 24~26) – Clear the dungeon on Master difficulty within 15 min.
Hula Hooper – Abandoned Welton Hollow (lv 24~26) – Clear the dungeon on Master difficulty within 15 min.
Rolling Master – Forsaken Islet (lv 24~26) – Clear the dungeon on Master difficulty within 15 min.
For your informations, if you want to refer to a complete list of titles , kindly refer this website which is provided by Dragon Nest Wiki ,
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