Cool School Uniforms
Go back to the innocence of those ole school days with this month’s limited edition School Uniform set!

Go back to the innocence of those ole school days with this month’s limited edition School Uniform set!
For the first time ever, the full 7-set School Uniform costume will give you a set bonus in the form of a costume skill! Simply add the Irine Love Virus costume skill in your skill slot and you can summon Events Planner Irine in battle! All targets within 5m who lay eyes on Irine will receive damage and will not be able to damage the caster for a set duration of time. (Applicable for both PvP and PvE)
Costume Synthesis Device
Got a couple of unworn Cash Costumes just lying around? Put them to good use with the new Costume Synthesis Device! This nifty little device can fuse two Cash Costume parts together to form one random costume part design and/or grade.
Depending on your luck, you could even get unreleased Costume parts from the Costume Synthesis Device!
Altea’s Gacha Box Update
Jazz up your School Uniform (or any other outfits for that matter!) with the coolest Bag in town designed as a pair of gorgeous wings! Or you may get lucky and walk away with a Magical Design Synthesis Device which allows you to infuse an item of your desired stats with an item of your desired design. The result – your favourite item design with your favourite stats! Awesome or what!
Head to the Cash Shop today!
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