Today, I take a look around town and I want to share some picture to show the Christmas themed Saint Haven.
North Gate Central Square:
You can see a lot of people searching for a grind party in DOTC right there !

Ahh... Let me close my eyes for a little while and enjoy the snowy day.

Staring towards the snowy sky...

You can see a tiny little messy-haired kiddo over there. Perhaps , he is waiting for his Christmas's gift? Where is Santa Claus?

The previous patch's fountain was replaced by Christmas Tree. South Entrance are busy as always and crowded by a lot of people.

Storage Keeper Walter and some user of his storage.

Blacksmith Berlin --- The NPC I love the most. It's because he always gift precious jewel after I gift him some crystal in return . =D

Western District :
Every job's master are lonely now. I heard someone said patch causes bug that not able to learn skill. How pitty.

Lastly, this is the new comer of Saint Haven and she plays an important role in our future life. She is trainer Lindsay and she sells Mount !!

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