September 30, 2012

Arch Bishop Nest

Stage 1- Corrupted Shaman
Easiest stage of all. Kill all the mobs and wait for the Archbishop to suck the life force of the Shaman.
Boss' attack pattern
1) Summon a mini black hole that sucks player in, explodes shortly afterwards.
- Just keep running will do.
2) 4 pillars around the Shaman turn black, a huge black magic circle appear on ground.
- Stay outside of the circle and you wont take any damage.
* Damage ignores invulnerable skills such as Avatar, Triangle Shot....

Stage 2- Half-Golem Poison Spore

Pretty easy as well due to its slow movement.
Boss' attack pattern
1) Throw 3 mushroom bombs towards player.
- Run clockwise / anti-clockwise facing the boss. If the aggro is on you, remember not to run into other party members!
2) Slam the ground once, huge AOE. (Earth Flip)
- Easily dodged by jumping. (Same with the ground slamming attack with the Golem in Manticore Nest)
3) Boss summons multiple mushrooms from ground, mushrooms explode after 5 seconds. (Massive damage!)
- Destroy the mushroom on the ground immediately! Dead mushroom will create a small protective barrier that protects player from the Mushroom Explosion.
Stage 3- Bishop's Loyalist (Power Rangers?!)
There will be 4 bosses. Dragon Follower, Assassin, Ice Mage & Fallen Paladin. They will appear 1 by 1 then switches to another boss when their HP drops below 50%. All bosses will appear when 4th boss drops below 50% HP.
Note that there will be 4 beams shooting out from the middle platform once in a while. Not much damage but can be annoying when getting chased by bosses.

Dragon Follower
1) Wraps himself with black lightning, dealing damage to player who goes near him.
- Stay away from him.
2) A small black magic circle will near the player, lightning falls on that location shortly.
- Stay away from the magic circle.
3) A big black magic circle appear around the Dragon Follower.
- Stay away from the magic circle.
1) Summon 4 clones to attack player and goes invisible temporary.
- Ignore the clones and wait for the assassin to reveal herself.
2) Plants a time bomb on 1 of 4 players, dealing damage to that player and his/her surrounding.
- Run away from the rest of your party members, use skills that grants your temporary invulnerable when the bomb is about to explode.
Ice Mage
1) Ice Spear
- Step to the side of the Ice Spear, the Ice Spear will only travel in a line
2) Mana Siphon (Absorbs portion of MP)
- Run away from the homing magic missle.
3) Summon Ice Meteorite from the sky, dealing massive damage.
-Stay outside of the blue magic circle.
Fallen Paladin
1) Thor's Hammer
- Big AOE. Run as far as you can!
2) Shield Charge
- Step aside will do.
3) Divine Avatar
- Stay away from him till Avatar wears off.

Stage 4- Revived Punisher
There will be two stages. In the first stage, you will have to clear all the mobs that appear to break the barrier blocking the road. DO NOT approach the boss as he is invulnerable (Tips: If you can't clear fast enough, Priest can cast relic / FU can cast mirror to block the Punisher temporary) You will enter a room once breaking all 3 barriers which Punisher won't be invulnerable anymore.

Boss' attack pattern
1) Flame Ring
- Avoid stepping on the red magic circle.
2) Horizontal Slash
3) Chop
4) Chain Hook  & Horizontal slash
- Throw a chain hook and draw u near to him. Followed by a slash.
5) Chain Hook
- Similar to 'Frozen' status, you can break the Chain Hook by tapping left and right repeatedly. (Can also be 'cured' using Curing Hand or Miracle Hand)  Normally followed by Spinning Dive Slash.
6) Spinning Dive Slash (Jumps high and slams on ground)
- Deals massive damage. Punisher will cast this after Chain Hooking someone, which is deadly to classes with low HP. Others can just jump and dodge this.
7) Blade Dance
- Deals massive damage. Hide behind the pillars that raise up from ground immediately. Classes with low HP will most likely die if failed to do so.
Stage 5- Bishop
There will be 9 trapped Shamans. Go left immediately after entering, the Bishop will then attempts to suck the life force of the 3 Shamans. (The Bishop will be invulnerable before freeing the Shamans, don't bother attacking him) Destroy the 2 pillars of each pods to free the Shamans. The Bishop will heal himself a great amount and grow more powerful if failed save the Shamans.
The Bishop will try this 3 times (Total of 9 Shamans). You will get a Diamond Treasure Chest if you manage to rescue all 9 Shamans, which contains 50A equipment, 50A stat heraldry plate or B-grade Bishop Set material.
Boss' attack pattern
1) Cast a Poison Wave in front of himself
- Move to the side of the Bishop.
2) AOE Shockwave
- if the Bishop manages to suck power from the shamans, he will cast this. High damage and hits the whole field
3) Chasing Poison Ball
- Similar to the chasing lighting ball from the electric ogre in apo hell.
4) Poison Cloud
- Throw a poison ball which split into 2~3 poison cloud.
5) Poison Rain
- Low damage.
6) Summon Assassin
- Hp x2, he will summon 4 x assassin.
7) AOE Poison Ball
- Hp x 1, he will cast this.

**This guy die too fast.. Don't know what skill he has LOL.
Stage 6- Bishop & Ancient Golem
The Bishop will fuse himself with the Ancient Golem after failing a 1v4 FAIR FIGHT with the players.  Paladin should stand at a side to provoke the Golem while the others stand the opposite side to attack. (Refer to the video)
There will be 2 phases. First phase is 5x ~ 4x HP. Hit the Golem's stomach (The glowing part) to damage it. Second phase starts at 3x HP. The Golem will stop taking damage from now on, but don't worry that's not a bug! Continue hitting its tummy till the Golem got fainted. Climb up its arm and attack the Bishop!

Boss' attack pattern (Phase 1)
1) Shoot 2 laser beams, explodes shortly afterwards.
- Avoid standing on the laser beam trails.
2) Punch the ground, big AOE
- Paladin can use Shield Block. Others can ignore this skill if standing at side.
- There are 3 variation of this simple-looking attack (watch video to see the differences)
3) Rawr! Erm.. Roar! (Disenchanting Howl)
- Pushes players away from the boss, clearing all the buffs on players and silence the players. There will be 2 mechanical fists appearing randomly from one of the 6 doors to attack players twice. Hide between the doors (at the faces) to avoid getting hit.
4) Poison Spit
- The Golem will spit poison in front of itself, dealing continuous damage. The poison wave will spread forward slowly. Everyone can just move to the side of the Golem to avoid getting hit.
Boss' attack pattern (Phase 2)
1) Slam the ground 3 times continuously. (only cast during last HP Bar)
- Jump 3 times. Need perfect timing or you will get hit all 3 times... Third slam deals massive damage.
2) Bishop casts Poison Rain / Poison Missle when the Golem got fainted.
- You can ignore this if you're on the Golem. Those skills won't be able to hit you.
3) Suction + Multiple Laser Beams from the Faces on the wall.
- Position yourself between the lasers will do. Deal massive damage on hit.

credits to:v2seraph

September 26, 2012

Pinata Event

I believe most of you guys already participated in the Pinata Event !!

If you don't , just get the quest from Event Planer Irine and then , go to any dungeon to hunt some Crazy Ducks !!

This is where I met the Crazy Duck in West Armory.

After you collect 50 Event Seed , you can trade them for 1 Fantastic Pinata.

I am not sure whether I am lucky or what , I get a Festival Mask Box.

This is the stat of the Festival Mask .Too bad mine only last for 7 days. =(
Anyway ,enjoy this Pinata Fiesta!!

Below this post are the official notice of Dragon Nest Sea:

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Those Crazy Ducks ate up our [Seeds] for next years’ harvest festival! So get ready to kick some duck butt and get rewarded with Piñatas! Hit the Abyss Dungeons to hunt Crazy ducks in and collect [Seeds] to participate in the Piñata Fiesta.

Exchange the seeds with Events Planner Irine to receive Piñatas that are filled to the brim with goodies!

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Prizes Include:

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The Piñatas also include two cool Cash Accessories - the Star Decal and Festival Mask!

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Join the Crazy Duck hunt and smash open Piñatas for wonderful rewards today!


Paw-Er Up With Our New Cash Shop Updates!

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The new Giga-Update is here! And with that, we’re bringing you absolutely fantastical new cash shop items that would definitely boost your character’s appearance and stats!

Check out what’s new:

1) New Pet: Cutie Kitty

Have you been looking for a pet? Look no more! This Cutie Kitty is the purr-fect pet for you! Choose between the Cutie Kitty (Physical) or the Cutie Kitty (Magical) to boost your physical or magical powers.

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2) New Pet Accessories and Dye

Dress up your pets to be as stylish as you are! With the New Pet Accessories and Dye, it’s guaranteed that your furry friend will be the fashionista of the Pet world! (Sold in separate pieces)

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3) Potential Extractor for Potential Transfer System

Here’s something that would definitely aid you in your adventures! With the Potential Extractor for Potential Transfer System, you can transfer the Hidden Potential of an equipment to another equipment of your choice. This means stronger stats for your character! Purchase the Potential Extractor and create the ultimate weapon of destruction to annihilate all enemies!

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4) Level 30 Costumes of the Month

With the new patch, how can we forget the ever popular Level 30 Costumes of the Month? This month, we’re introducing a dark vampire concept that’s suitable for autumn. Be the most fashionable this month with our Level 30 Costumes of the Month today!

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5) New Academic Hair Styles

Academics attention! We have 4 new hair styles for your Academic including the Cute Big Dumpling Hair,Chinese Style Dumpling HairNeat Pigtail Ribboned Hair, and Lovely Long Wave Hair to make her look breathtakingly adorable. Check out the new hair styles today!

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6) New Academic Face: Innocent Academic Face

Want to deceive the monsters then strike them down while they’re taken aback? With the Innocent Academic Face, your enemies will ever know what hit them till they’re dead!

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Head over to the Cash Shop and treat yourself to all of these lovely new items today!

Credits :

September 25, 2012

Gigantes Nest

Goals of this guide: So that everyone can have a easier time in Gigantes Nest, and crafting materials will be cheaper.

Ticket to enter : Fabricated deodand
Can be gotten from lvl 40-50 abyss dungeons

Rewards: Gigantes Set Equipment, Gigantes Set Materials, lvl 50 suffix crafting essences, lvl 50 enhancement heraldry. Gigantes Hell entry ticket.

Overall Nest Process:

When you enter the nest, a portal to one out of 4 random stages will appear. After each stage is cleared, the whole party is randomly transported to the other 3 stages, until you clear all 4 stages, unlocking the boss room.

Hidden room: unlocks when you gather 3 plates from each of the stages. Gives extra rewards.

Full Guide:

Stage 1: Gas Chamber


Stage Mechanic:
When you enter this room, an intruder alarm automatically rings,  and the first wave of monsters is spawned.Move towards the tiles that will light up in a straight line (light blue colour). A timer of 5 secs will start counting down. At the end of the tiles, activating the switch(a small statue) will activate the safe zone. A gate will automatically close, blocking anyone else from coming into the safe zone. When the timer ends, poison gas is released into the whole room except the safe zone, this is a guaranteed death if your not in the safe zone. This mechanic will repeat every 30-45secs until all 3 waves of monsters are cleared.

When all 3 waves of monsters are cleared, the boss of this room will spawn.

Known Attacks:
  • Claw Swipe
  • Howl: Howls, than spikes will slowly start chasing you. Keep moving to evade.
  • Rapid Claw Combo: Swipes you a lot at melee range than knocks you back.
  • Jump and claw combo: Jumps and than lands on the ground, than quickly does a lot of rapid claw swipes, ending with a small explosion.
  • Spikes: Summon lots of spikes in an AOE around him. High Damage
  • Homing Green Ball: After x3hp . Summons a homing green ball to chase the player with the highest aggro. Behind the homing green ball is a lot of spikes following it. The ball has high speed and will flinch/knockdown when it hits a player.
When this boss is killed, the portal to next stage will appear.

Hidden plate of this stage: The two rune tigers that spawn at the 3rd wave (before boss) must be killed within 5 secs of the other dying.

Stage 2: Cube Boss


Stage mechanic is simple, defeat the Cube Boss to win.
Cube boss has high defenses.

Known Attacks:
  • Confusion Ball: Shoots purple projectiles around the room. If your hit by it, all your direction keys are reversed. (Up becomes down, left becomes right, etc). Also does some damage.
  • Fire, Ice or Light Balls: Continuously spin and shoot little balls at the highest aggro player. Does medium damage. Ice type balls will slow on hit.
  • Phoenix: Summons 2 books on the left and right of itself, Each book will shoot 2 phoenixes towards the front.
  • Spinning Blades: Swords appear on the side of the cubes, and it starts to spin. Melee range attack. Easily avoidable.
  • Laser Beam: Your typical cube beam. Rarely seen though. Powerful.
  • Activate trap: Random statues will press down upon the area. Avoiding stepping on the shadows to dodge. High damage. (Animation before cast: Blue lightning around cube)
  • Activate trap EX: More statues and longer duration than the normal traps Very high damage(-20k x 3-4 hits) Avoid the middle of the room and shadows on the ground. Will only activate after x3 (Animation before cast: Purple lighting around cube)
  • Teleport: Does this everytime it activates the trap. Randomly teleports to another side of the room.
Hidden plate of this stage: Defeat the cube boss within 60secs.

Stage 3: Mummy's Ghoul Disco


Note: using a mod for the dancing disco stage XD. Those sounds will normally not appear.

Stage Mechanic: Memorising game.The mummy ghoul will activate the disco. There are 4 rounds. Each round, the statues will make sounds in a pattern. If you manage to do the same exact pattern, your given a speed buff. If you fail to create the same pattern, your slowed significantly and more/harder monsters will be summoned. Monsters will spawn after each round. Clear the monsters to move on to the next round. The patterns will grow in difficulty each round.

Monsters: Typical Skeleton and Ghouls, Undead Minos. Watch out for the blue ghouls that freeze

After 4 rounds, the boss will spawn. Kill him to clear the stage
Boss has high movement speed.

Known attacks:
  • Fire Grenade: Throws a fire grenade. Explodes on impact. Burns. Slow casting.
  • Ice Grenade: Same as above, freezes
  • Bandage Grab: Kinda like Acro's binding shot. Disables skills and movement when binded.
  • Double Swipe: Melee Range. Looks harmless but very painful (~20k per hit)
  • Spits poison: Spits poison at a high angle in a cone around him. Painful. Poisons player.
  • Dance: Yellow spots will appear below the player and the boss will make a dancing animation. If the player is still standing in the yellow lights after 1.5sec, he will be forced to dance. Use A-D to escape dancing.
  • Summon Coffins: Happens after he reaches a certain hp threshold(think x3- x2). A coffin will be summoned, repeatedly summoning waves of undead if not destroyed. A poison tower is also summoned, which spits poison at intervals (~30k damage)
Hidden plate of this stage: All 4 patterns must be done correctly, and before the boss died, no coffin should be on the field. If these 2 conditions are fulfilled, when the switch(statue) at the spawnpoint is activated after the boss dies, another dance pattern will play. If this is done correctly, the hidden plate will appear (refer to video)

Stage 4: Flower Garden


Stage Mechanic: When you enter the room, there will be 3 cannons. Monsters in this room have VERY high hp, your normal skills will not do much damage. Use the cannons to defeat the monsters!

Using the Cannons:
  • Left click to shoot bullets. Fires very fast and at a very high speed. Short recharge. Damage: 160-220k per hit
  • Right click to shoot a ball that Time Stops monsters around it.
  • Esc to exit cannon.
Waves of monsters will spawn. Just rape them using the cannons. Not hard with a 4 person party.

Monsters to watch out for:
  • Rolling trolls(Irritating)
  • Exploding Zombie(The explosion is painful, you'll see them charging it).
  • Assay Shamans (Slows you and the black hole is painful)
  • Flowers: These explode after they are hit certain times, dealing enormous damage in a small AOE around them.
It is recommended that paladin or priest lure all the mobs into the middle as the cannons cannot turn more than 180degrees (unable to shoot stuff behind you)

After killing most of the mobs, the Boss(Stone Golem) and 2 miniboss (boss of west armory) will spawn

The minibosses will fire lasers at you. Painful. Long Range. Shoot 3 times.

Known Boss Attacks:
  • Throw Rock: Like the Stone Golem of manticore nest. Will one hit you if it explodes on you. Significant damage even if your hit by the scattered rocks
  • Ground Punch: Punches the ground, causing rocks to fall down in front of where his fist landed.
  • Earthquake: Prepares itself by shaking, than jumps and hits the ground. ~50k damage. Can be avoided by jumping. Huge AOE
  • Roll: Rolls towards the person with the highest aggro.
  • Fissure: Raises the ground in a straight line in front of him. Medium Horizontal AOE, very long ranged. Can be avoided using iframes.
  • Eruption: Boss glows red, flames appear on him with a red circle around him and starts doing the same animation as Earthquake. A eruption will happen after a few secs. To dodge this, Dont stay in the red circle. Ignores Highlander.
After you defeat the golem, the stage is cleared. You do not need to care about the minibosses or other monsters.

Hidden plate of this stage: Not sure about it. Rumors are that you must either: Destroy all the flowers/ Or the boss must die under sunlight...Or it might just be random.

Hidden Stage: Room of Greed

unlocks when 3 plates are gotten.

Link to hidden stage video here: (its kinda shaky)

There are a lot of RCs in this stages. All are fake except one. You must find the real one within 60secs. Fake RCs turns into mimics after opened. Just ignore them.

The real RC will drop these items and gold at random rates:

Lvl 50 enhancement plate
Gigantes Crafting materials (green and blue)
Epic essences for crafting suffix on lvl 50 equipment

Boss Stage: Gigantes Baha

The floor will open when all 4 stages are cleared, revealing a staircase leading downwards. At the end of the tunnel lies Gigantes, an ancient weapon created by the Ancients.


Known Attacks:

x5 - x4
  • Punch Ground
  • 180 degree Rocket Barrage: Can only hit the front
  • Charge: Charges the player with highest aggro. Keep moving to dodge
  • Big Blue Bomb: Shoots a blue bomb from his stomach to the ground. Big AOE explosion. AOE is bigger than it seems.
Around x4 - x3

New skills:
  • Summon Time Bomb: Summons a bomb in the middle of the map. It must be destroyed before it explodes. If it explodes, all party member's hp will be reduced to 1. The bomb has a hp bar that can be seen below gigantes hp bar.
  • Black Hole: Sucks you in. No damage.
  • Quake: Jumps and slams the ground.
Around x3 and below

New skills:
  • Big Blue Atomic Bomb: Shoots a big blue missle from its center that splits into several small missles on impact, hitting a bigger AOE than the Big Blue Bomb.
  • Spinning Rocket Barrage: Shoots rockets while spinning 360 degrees. Stick near or very far from the boss to dodge. 180 degree rocket barrage will no longer be casted.
  • Arm Swipe: Will activate when players are in melee range. Swipes its sides, creating an explosion after awhile
  • Twin Blue Laser: Rarely casted, 2 blue lasers will shoot out from its head just like how Archbishop's Golem 2 laser is casted
Around x2 and below

New skills:
  • Big Punch: Punches the ground, wider AOE, high damage
  • Gigantic Slam: Slams the ground, throwing all players up. A blue circle will appear below the player with the highest aggro, exploding after awhile. High damage. Make sure not to waste your aerial evasion after x2!
Credits to Mira and Reind from Westwood !! Thanks to their hardwork !!
We , Dragon Nest Vault did some modification and edit work as well .
Feel free to share this thread but don't forget to give credits.

This is the original link of the thread :

Game Patch On 25 Sept

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Dear Players,

There will be a game patch on 25 September 2012 starting from 0700HRS (GMT+8). The game service will be unavailable during this time and is expected to be resumed by 1500HRS (GMT+8).

We strongly recommend that you log out of the game before the stipulated time to avoid any item loss.


[New Content]


  • New Nest Added: Gigantes Nest (Normal),
  • New Nest Added: Sea Dragon Nest (Hardcore)
  • New Legend Grade equipment attainable in Sea Dragon Nest (Hardcore)
  • Potential Transfer System (more info coming soon...)
  • Pinata Event (more info coming soon...)

Cash Shop

  • New Level 30 Costumes of the Month
  • New Pet: Cutie Kitty (Comes with Special Ability)
  • New Pet Accessories and Dye
  • 4 New Academic Hair Styles:

    • Cute Big Dumpling Hair
    • Chinese Style Dumpling Hair
    • Neat Pigtail Ribboned Hair
    • Lovely Long Wave Hair
  • New Academic Face: Innocent Academic Face
  • Potential Extractor for Potential Transfer System



  • Level 45 to 50 equipment High Grade Potential Code & Jewel Pouch added to Guild Alliance Shop
  • Increase of Max Level entrance limitation for Wonderful Theme Park (Persian Goble & Orc Kim) to Level 49
  • Increase in FTG from 100 to 700 and EXP Bonus +10% to 20% for Cyber Café Perks
  • UI: Skill/Enhancement Plates stats are now visible when mouse-over before crafting

Dark Lair Revamp:

  • Change of name from Dark Lair to Dark Gate
  • Dark Lair channels removed
  • Dark Gate now accessible through Calderock Village and Saint Haven
  • Hatred Pirandello is changed to Hatred Pirandello 1st floor
  • Tent of Abyss no longer required to enter the Dark Gate dungeons
  • Boundary of Jealousy now has a limit of 5 times per week and Hatred Pirandello 1st floor with a limit of 2 times per week
  • Hatred Pirandello stages revised with lesser stages and Final Boss weakened
  • Origin equipment slot now attainable in Hatred Pirandello

Cash Shop

Gacha Box revised:

  • Upgrade from Rough Jewels to Polished Jewels
  • Upgrade of Diamond/Crystal/Agate/Revert Code:

    • Low Grade → Intermediate Grade
    • Intermediate Grade → High Grade


  • Quest Bug that causes the player to be unable to proceed with Quest (Cleric quests will be fixed at a later date)
  • Korean/square symbol error messages are now in English
  • Change of Royal Chest location in various dungeons
  • Change of Final Chest location in Archbishop Nest where players were previously unable to retrieve items due to lag


  • Rewards of 1st Guild War given out. List of finalists can be found here.
  • Network Optimization
Let's look forward for today's patch! =)

September 24, 2012

Be The Most Photogenic In Lagendia! (24 Sep- 30 Sep)

Wanna be photogenic in Dragon Nest? All you have to do is collect the “Leadership of Society” title found in the Title Collection Book from 24th Sept - 30th Sept 2012, and you’ll receive a totally exclusive, permanent, in-game, Take Photo Jump Gesture!

To get Leadership of Society title, you’ll need to collect the following 8 titles by clearing the following dungeons with none of four dying.

Lv.15 Abyss Dungeons

[Abyss] Sigh Canyon for Harpy Hunter title
[Abyss] Forest Sanctuary for Gargoyle Master title
[Abyss] Sleepers’ Temple for Minotaur Threats title

Lv.23 Abyss Dungeons

[Abyss] Catacombs Hall for Cowbell Carrier title
[Abyss] Road of No Return for Ogre Hunter title
[Abyss] Death Basin for Reaper title
[Abyss] Prayer’s Resting Place for Manticore Slaughterer title

Lv.20~22 Road of No Return
in Master Difficulty for Nobility title

[Leadership of Society]

STR +20
AGI + 20
INT +20
VIT +20
Attk Power +30 ~ +30
Magic Attk +30 ~ +30

... Accomplish and receive:

Take Jump Photo Gesture
Permanent (untradeable)

It’s time to jump into the game and get rewarded!

- Event starts on 24 Sep 2012 at 0000hrs and ends on 30 Sep 2012 at 2359hrs(+8 GMT).
- Leadership of Society title must be collected by 30 Sep 2012 2359hrs.
- Title collected before the event will be automatically eligible for the reward.
- Reward will be issued on 2 Oct 2012 before 2359hrs (+8 GMT).
- Eligible characters shall receive the reward via Cash Shop Gift Box and the reward will expire in 14 days if uncollected. Upon collection, the gesture will go directly into your Gesture tab in the Inventory window.
- Players can use as many characters as they wish to participate in this event. Each character is entitled to only 1 gesture.
- Characters that have already gotten the gesture through the Christmas event last December will not be able to receive the gesture from the Gift Box should they be eligible.
- Admins decision is final.


September 23, 2012

How to get more High Grade Revert Cube (EPIC) ? (OUTDATED)

I am pretty sure more and more people in demand of High Grade Revert Cube, aren't ya? =D

This is the little secret which most people don't know !!

For those who always kept an eye on my blog , you're lucky now !! (Though some expert might already know this , but I just trying to share it to those who don't know =D )

What you need:
40 gold and High Grade Crystal Code (Epic)

 Put your Crystal Code into the Diassembler. You will see that you required 40 gold money to dismantle it.

 Tada!! It's your High Grade Revert Cube!!

What you need: 60 gold and High Grade Agate Code (Epic)

  Put your Agate Code into the Diassembler. You will see that you required 60 gold money to dismantle it .

 Tada!! It's another High Grade Revert Cube !!

If you have any other secret technique to farm and make use of something worthless to you , share your info to me. Dn-ers , we are united right ? =D

September 22, 2012

Guild War Winners & Rewards

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Dragon Nest SEA’s first ever Guild War ended awhile back but we had to delay the crediting of the rewards due to system errors encountered. As the Guild War is still in the BETA phase, the developers are still working hard to resolve the bugs and iron out the kinks to ensure better gameplay for players.

With that said, we’re pleased to say that we’ll be finally crediting out the rewards to all winners on 25th September after the maintenance period.

Check out the list of winners and the awesome rewards below!
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Congratulations to all of the guilds mentioned above for making the cut - you've earned it!

Important Note:
1. Only Guild Members of the winning Guild up to the date of 15 Aug 2012 will receive the rewards. Any new members that join after that date (15 Aug) will not be eligible for the Guild War Reward.

2. Guild Members that left the Winning Guild after 15 Aug but join a new guild, they are still eligible for the Guild War Rewards.


September 18, 2012

Sprucing Up The Magnifyque Chest Bonuses!

 Hear, hear! The Magnifyque Chest Bonuses just got better than ever!

From 18 September 2012 after 1100HRS, simply use a Magnifying Glass (Cash Shop Item) for a chance to snag cool new bonuses from the Bonus Magnifyque Chests! Each Magnifying Glass allows you to peep into the Dungeon Chests at the end of each run AND receive special rewards from a Bonus Magnifyque Chest!
Note: Bonus Magnifyque Chests will be delivered via Mail Box.

New Rewards Feature:

Crimson Thunder Horse: Everyone’s favourite mount is back, this time waiting patiently for its new owner in the Bonus Magnifyque Chest! This spells good news for all, especially to Academics who missed out the Crimson Thunder Horse via the Altea Gacha Box in the past!

Cash Shop Items: Stand to hop away with popular Cash items like the Bunny Head Band (30 Days), Bunny Tail (30 days), Brilliant Star Fragment Ring (Permanent or 30 Days) and even Pink Cupid Wings (Permanent or 30 Days). Yes you saw it right – PERMANENT CASH ITEMS!

Check out the all new spruced and improved Bonus Magnifyque Chest Rewards here:

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Cash Shop Rewards will be sent via the Cash Shop Gift Box and will expire after 30 days if uncollected.

What are you waiting for? Grab your Magnifying Glass from the Cash Shop today!
